How can I be a part of NCCT?
NCCT regularly produces two shows per year – a winter Teen Show and a Summer Show – with an occasional additional sponsored show or event. Our Summer Show is generally open to community members of all ages. Our Teen Show is open to high school students.
Show specific FAQs are below - Summer Show FAQs, Teen Show FAQs
There are many ways to get involved with NCCT depending on your interest, age, and expertise.
You can also support NCCT in several other important ways: by buying tickets to see our shows; by donating to our Annual Appeal or to an individual production; or by buying an ad in a show’s program. However you choose to get involved, thank you so much for your support!
I want to be on-stage!
What can I expect at auditions? Teen Auditions Summer Auditions
What's the time commitment? Teen Show Schedule Summer Show Schedule
How much does it cost to be in the show?
A $25 materials fee is all we charge for the opportunity to be in our productions. This fee helps fund key production costs such as script purchases, costumes, and rehearsal space rental. In exchange you get the equivalent of 8 - 10 weeks of dance lessons, voice lessons, acting lessons, and theater experience. It is possible that there may be other expenses incurred for dance shoes, make-up, costume pieces (tights/socks) but we try to limit individual expenses and can help if those additional costs are prohibitive. If this fee or other expenses are a hardship, please contact the show’s Production Manager to have it waived.
As a non-profit organization, we also ask our community for various donations – either monetary (Show Angel) or in-kind (candy for candy grams, food for concessions, etc.) to help underwrite some of the costs of the program, but those donations are completely voluntary.
I want to get involved, but I’m not an actor. What can I do?
Every show needs many people working behind the scenes to create the magic seen on stage, and we are thrilled to have community members get involved backstage too.
Production Staff
For those with particular areas of expertise, each production needs production staff who design and implement elements of the show. We seek the following stipended positions for each show: Director, Music Director, Choreographer, Production Manager, Stage Manager, Technical Director, Costumer, Set Designer, Set Builder, Lighting Designer, Props Master, Hair and Makeup Coordinator, and Orchestra Members. Visit our Job Descriptions page for specific requirements. To see a full list of positions still available, and for details on how to apply for these positions, see the individual show page (Summer Show/Teen Show).
Is there compensation? We provide some stipend funds for the hired production staff members (above) who put together our productions. All other members of the production (actors, backstage crew, etc.) are volunteers who give their time and energy to make our summer shows possible.
Our need for backstage help varies by show, but we may also be looking for people interested in any of the following volunteer positions: Props and Costume crews (help the Costumer or Props Master create costumes and props before the show begins), Set Builders (build and/or paint set pieces with the Set Designer/Builder before the show starts), Backstage Crew (moving sets, managing props, helping with costume changes during shows), Hair and Makeup Crew (assist the coordinator doing hair and makeup for cast members). If you are interested in any of these volunteer positions, contact the Production Manager for that show (usually listed on the show’s page) and they will let you know what help is needed.
NCCT is almost entirely a volunteer organization. We are always looking for additional hands to help with a variety of activities behind the scenes - from selling ads to running the lobby concessions to manual labor as we put the sets together. Please reach out to info@ncct.org with your interest and we can connect you with the person needing help. Note: Ushering is a great way to get involved but that volunteer position needs to be trained through the Lebanon Opera House.
Board of Directors
To be part of the work outside of the theater, consider running to join our Board of Directors. NCCT's all-volunteer Board of Directors meets monthly to oversee our operations and make decisions about the organization as well as our productions. Elections to the Board take place at our Annual Meeting in August (exact date will be publicized on the website and sent in our newsletter). During our Annual Meeting we update the community on our work, hear the thoughts and suggestions of our participants and voting membership, and elect new members to our Board of Directors. Any Member of the organization is eligible to run for the board and vote in the election. (“Members” are any person or entity that has donated $25+ OR anyone who has participated in an NCCT production (cast, crew, production team, orchestra, members of the board of directors) in the past season year (September to August)) If you are interested in joining the board of directors, contact any current member of the board before that meeting, or email info@ncct.org, to have your name added to the ballot. We encourage you to have a voice in deciding NCCT’s future.
What is NCCT Teens?
NCCT Teens is a branch of North Country Community Theatre (NCCT), a non-profit organization that has been producing community theater since 1973. In 1994, NCCT launched its first teen production, Tom Sawyer, with 30 area youth. Since then, NCCT has produced a teen musical show each winter with an average of 60 teens from up to 13 area schools participating in all aspects of the production.
Through NCCT Teens, we seek to foster growth, development, and responsibility within our teen membership while having lots of fun at the same time!
What can I expect at Teen auditions?
Auditions for our teen show are usually the first Saturday in January on the stage at the Lebanon Opera House (LOH). Prior to the start of the actual auditions there is an optional audition workshop led by our Teen Board and Production Staff where you will do some singing, dancing, and get to know some of your fellow auditioners. We encourage teens new to the program to attend.
Auditioners are asked to sing a song and take part in a dance audition. Specific details (what type of song, how long it should be, what to wear, order of events, etc…) vary from year to year based on what our production staff want to see. Details will be posted on the show page as they become available. Generally, dance auditions are done in smaller groups and the other auditioners are not allowed to watch. Vocal auditions are done on stage and everyone auditioning is allowed to sit in the audience and watch. Everyone knows how nerve wracking this can be and is very supportive. Parents are discouraged from attending but may with permission from the Production Staff and the teen involved.
Auditions last most of the day with registration and the audition workshop starting mid-morning and auditions running through the afternoon. Directly following the dance and vocal auditions the Production Staff will determine who they want to see for Call Backs. Those people will be asked to stay to do additional activities (singing, reading from the script, dancing). Everyone else will be dismissed.
Casting occurs that evening and the cast list will be posted on the NCCT website and Facebook page as soon as possible (but likely late in the evening.)
What is the rehearsal schedule for the Teen Show?
Specific details will be posted on the show web page but in general the following times are a good guideline:
Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6pm – 8pm
Saturdays – may vary but generally – 12:30pm – 6:30pm
February vacation week – 12pm – 9pm daily
Final week before show – 4 or 5pm until 10pm
Who and how are the adults involved?
Production Staff – Our Director, Music Director, and Choreographer will be working together and separately to teach the music, choreography, and acting portion of the show. They will lead the rehearsals.
Production Manager – The Production Manager will be the main point of contact between the teens, parents, production staff and Teen Advisors. They will be updating everyone on the rehearsal schedule, volunteer needs, weather updates, and pretty much everything involved with putting on the show.
Teen Advisors – We have 5 Teen Advisors, two of whom must be at every rehearsal, fundraiser or meeting of the Teen Governance Group (TGG – See below). They are adults who are hired by the TGG and have volunteered their time to spend the entire year with our program. Some are parents, some are NCCT Board members and some are adults who enjoy working with teens putting on a show. On one level, their role is to help chaperone rehearsals and fundraisers so that the Production Staff can focus on the work and not worry about discipline. On another level, they provide a consistent set of adults the teens can go to with questions, concerns or problems that may or may not fall within the role of the Production Staff.
What should I expect to do as a parent?
Volunteering and Donations: Parents are asked to volunteer for various responsibilities – providing candy for our candy grams, pancake mix for our pancake breakfast, food for our full day rehearsals, helping set up our cabaret fundraiser, loading in our sets, sewing costumes, Teen Sitting in the Green Room, and many more. We hope everyone will participate in some way that works for their schedule, budget and interest. We literally could not do what we do without parent involvement.
Teen Sitting: Once we move in to the Lebanon Opera House for rehearsals we need additional adults to help chaperone the back stage spaces (Green Room, Dressing Rooms). Teen sitters sign up for 2 – 3 hour time slots and help tame the chaos that happens with the excitement (and sometimes boredom) of 50 plus kids putting on a full scale musical. The Teen Sitters will be assisted by our Teen Advisors on what to do and where to be.
What is the Teen Governance Group (TGG)?
Our TGG (also known as our Teen Board) is a group of 12 teens elected by their peers to run the program. With supervision from the Production Manager, Teen Advisors, and NCCT Board, these teens choose the show, interview and hire the staff, organize and run fundraisers, and lead activities for the cast. In addition, they serve as mentors for the cast and crew, and they work with the Production Staff to keep things running smoothly. Every cast member is assigned to a "Board Group" headed by two TGG members. Freshmen and Sophomores may run for the TGG and those elected stay on for as long as they are involved in the program.
What are some of our traditions?
Board groups: After auditions, our Teen Governance Group (TGG) divides the cast up evenly between 6 Board Groups. Two of our TGG members run each group. The goal is to create diverse groups from different schools, grades, gender identities, and experiences with NCCT. The TGG leaders will share production related information with their Board Groups – everything from reminders to bring a water bottle to scheduling social events like group breakfasts before rehearsal. It’s an easy way for the cast to get to know each other in a smaller community.
Phreds: Phreds are small notes written by the cast members each day during “Hell Week” (the week in February where we have rehearsal from 12 - 9pm each day.) Each cast member gets to write one “Phred” per day and they are read by TGG members at the end of each night in front of the whole cast. These notes can be anything from loving compliments to your [Secret Santa] to shout outs to people who are working hard and shining in rehearsal. TGG members always skim the notes right before they read them to make sure they are appropriate and not mean-spirited. Phreds are a great bonding experience and something nearly every cast member looks forward to at the end of every Hell Week night.
Show Specific [Secret Santas]: Over the course of the two weeks we spend in the Opera House, the cast participates in a Secret Santa activity (individuals may opt out). The name used changes from year to year based on that year’s show. For example, during Footloose, the name for Secret Santa was “Bomont Buddies” as the show was set in Bomont. Whoever would like to participate draws a name and gives little gifts or shout outs to their person throughout the time in the Opera House. The cast gets to know one another through this. It is a great way to get to know someone that they might not have known as well before.
Still have a question that we didn’t answer?
Contact us at info@ncct.org and we will be happy to help.
What is the NCCT Summer Show?
North Country Community Theatre (NCCT) launched its long tradition of putting on summer show in 1973 with The Music Man. Since then, NCCT has produced shows each summer that involve community members at every level. Our summer shows are chosen each year by members of the Board of Directors and then produced, directed, and performed by members of our community. They are performed in late June/early July at the Lebanon Opera House. From actors and backstage crew, to directors and choreographers, to those in the audience, NCCT provides an entertaining theater experience for the entire community.
What can I expect at Summer auditions?
Auditions for our summer productions usually take place in late April or early May. NCCT uses an online registration system for audition sign-ups. Times and locations vary, with an option during registration to choose a time slot that works best for you. Call backs usually happen on a different day after all audition sessions have occurred.
At auditions, auditioners can expect to sing a song and take part in a dance audition. For the vocal portion of the audition, auditioners are generally asked to prepare an excerpt from a song of their choice, which they sing for the production staff with a provided piano accompanist. For the dance portion of the audition, the choreographer will generally teach a short combination of choreographed steps, and the auditioner will practice, then perform, the combination in small groups.
Auditioners may or may not be asked to read scenes from the play or provide an example of spoken acting, but a monologue is generally not part of the initial audition.
Note: These are generalizations, and specific details of summer show auditions will vary from year to year based on what our production staff want to see. The specific dates for each summer production’s auditions are publicized well in advance, as are any other details about what production staff will ask of you in the audition; see the show-specific page here on our website, or sign up for our newsletter to get all updates delivered right to your inbox.
What is the rehearsal schedule for the Summer Show?
Rehearsal schedules vary depending on the needs of the production, but in general, the following times and dates are a good guideline:
Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6pm – 9pm
Saturdays – may vary but generally – 12pm - 6pm
Lebanon Opera House Load-In (moving sets/costumes/technical equipment into the theater for the show): generally all day Saturday, two weekends before opening night.
Tech & Dress Rehearsals: the two weeks between load-in and opening night, most evenings approximately 5pm – 10pm, and weekends approximately 12pm - 6pm.
Show dates: Two weekends in June or July (avoiding the 4th of July holiday)
Friday 7:30pm, Saturday 7:30pm, Sunday 4:00pm
Depending on the show, there may be matinee (2:00pm) on Saturday(s) as well.
Specific dates and details for rehearsals are sent to the casts for each show once the cast is complete.
Still have a question that we didn’t answer?
Contact us at info@ncct.org and we will be happy to help.